Release music you’re proud of and make your band stand out from the crowd

We guide you through the process of making kick-ass records, so you can finish and release music without headaches, frustration, or wasted time and money.

Get personal 1-on-1 mentoring now

Apply for our coaching program, The Self-Recording Syndicate! Fill out a short application form and book a free clarity call to get:

  • Personal feedback on your music, recordings and mixes
  • A plan and step-by-step roadmap to help you record and release exciting sounding music consistently

More than 200 artists and bands from 13 different countries are already using our programs to level up their skills

This probably sounds familiar to you:

  •  You want to record your next record yourself, but even after countless hours of research, it still seems overwhelming.
  • You’re making progress, but the process is slow and frustrating. And when you compare your recordings to your favorite records, you probably don’t feel too good about your results.
  • There’s conflicting information on the internet and you still can’t put all the pieces together.
  • Or maybe you haven’t even started putting your home studio together, because it just seems like too much. After all, you just want to make music, right?

We Got You! The Self-Recording Syndicate Is Your way out of this frustrating Situation.

We set out to eliminate all the confusion and overwhelm by creating a personal step-by-step roadmap for you and guiding you along the way.

You get exactly the information and feedback you need in order to reach your goals. And with our help you’ll finally be able to make confident decisions and stop second-guessing yourself.

Working with us and Joining The Self-Recording Syndicate Means: No More...

  • ...procrastinating. 
    You’ll actually finish your songs, because we’re going to hold you accountable.
  • ...frustration. 
    We help you optimize your setup and workflow, so you’ll have more fun, and you’ll be able to use your studio over and over again whenever creativity and inspiration strike.
  • ...stabbing in the dark. 
    We help you understand what “sounding good” actually means, show you what’s really important and focus on the art instead of technical details that don’t matter in the end.


You're only a few simple steps away from completely transforming your sound:

  • Fill out a short application form, so we know that you're a great fit and we can actually help you
  • Pick a date and time for your call
  • Once your application is accepted, let's chat and figure out the best way for you to finally create pro-sounding music that will stand out! 

Now what's next? What happens if this is a perfect fit for both of us and we agree to collaborate?

We've built different programs and solutions, each designed to help a specific type of artist in a specific situation. So together with you, we'll choose the perfect package to make sure you'll get your desired results. Let's give you a quick example...


Three steps to go from song ideas to finished productions

Step 1 - Creating Your Roadmap

  • On your free clarity call we talk about where you are right now, what your goals are with your music, and what’s still missing
  • With this information, we create a personalized, step-by-step plan for you (live on the call), so you can rest assured you’ll stay on track and hit your goals.
  • If you approve the roadmap, you can then take it and do it all on your own or decide to implement it with our personal help and guidance.

Step 2 - You'll learn the ins and outs of recording your own music and get all your questions answered.

  • If we agree to work together you get unlimited 1-on-1 coaching + group coaching for as long as you stay in the program.
  • You’ll implement what you learn and submit your results.
  • We’ll give you feedback and show you exactly where to make changes until you get the results you’re going for.
  • We’ll be there the entire time to help you overcome any problems along the way.
  • We’ll hold you accountable, remind you of whatever needs to be done next and make sure nothing slips through the cracks.
  • You get to see behind the scenes of other home studios and connect with your peers
  • We’ll exchange ideas as a group and help each other move forward

Step 3 - Consistent improvement and keeping the momentum up

  • After you've finished your first couple of projects you'll build upon the knowledge and confidence you've already gained.
  • You'll keep the momentum up, keep making progress, dive into really advanced topics and avoid hitting a plateau
  • You might start to collaborate with other artists or engineers, using your new skills and confidence. You'll find plenty of opportunities for that inside our community

At the end you’ll have:

Finished recordings that you’ll be proud of forever and happily show the world.


A fully functional home studio, as well as the skills, confidence and network to keep making exciting recordings consistently in the future.

The Best Time To Start Is Now

Stop wasting time and money!
Stop putting out amateur sounding music that doesn't get you anywhere as an artist!
If you finally want to be your own producer and release exciting music consistently that sounds exactly the way you’ve envisioned it, so you can proudly show it to the world, then apply for coaching now and book your free clarity call to see if we can help you move your band forward.

Learning to record yourself is the best way to make the record you want to make

During the last couple of years, countless bands and artists have already successfully made records themselves. Some of them even won Grammys and Platinum Awards!

If done well, this way of working offers not only great sounding results but also the freedom and flexibility that enable artists to be creative and explore their full potential without the stress of a high-cost studio weighing you down.

Here’s why DIY recording might be the perfect option for you:


Sure, some investment is always required if want pro sounding results.

But it doesn’t take a big album budget, expensive gear and a perfect room to make excellent records that will impress people and help you achieve your goals.


You have all the time you need to go into as much detail as you want.

You can do the writing, pre-production and actual recording sessions all in your home studio, without having to pay a fortune.


You don’t need to hire producers that are not skilled enough or don’t understand your vision.

The market is flooded with inexperienced engineers and producers, so why not invest in yourself instead?


You can create your own schedule and make the music production process fit in with everything else that’s going on in your life.


You can build a home studio that you can use over and over again in the future instead of booking studios.


You are the producer, so you can make the record you want and have total creative freedom.

You can rely on us to guide you through this

  • The Self-Recording Band was built to help bands like you make impressive recordings.
  • We don’t work with dance artists or electronic music producers. We focus on rock, indie and heavy music, because this is what we’ve been doing every single day for years now - refining our skills in exactly those genres.
  • We live and breathe the music, culture and everything around it and have decades of experience as producers, engineers and signed, touring musicians. 

In case you're wondering if we're legit...

We are professional producers and mixers, working on actual records every single day. 

We run Outback Recordings, one of Europe's most in-demand mixing studios for rock and heavy music. The music credit platform puts us in the top 5% of all mixing studios world wide. 

We can teach you all you need to know about gear and we always stay on top of new hardware and software releases.


So we will help you choose, set up and navigate the technology that fits your way of working and your desired result perfectly.

We review your work and monitor your progress throughout the process to make sure you’re actually meeting the standard necessary to achieve your goals

We give you valuable feedback and action steps so you’ll always know exactly what to work on next

We know exactly where you’re coming from, have started with zero experience, no budget and made every possible mistake along the way.
So we’ll make sure you don’t have to make those same mistakes and get there 10x faster.

We have proof that it works: Many self-recording bands got signed or played on the radio after working with us.

After gathering millions of streams and more than a decade of helping DIY musicians produce label quality releases through our studio services, we’ve refined and documented our process that just works over and over again. 

We are very well connected in our part of the music industry, so we can help you find the perfect collaborators or service providers if you need additional help with anything.

Just look at some of the people we interviewed on our podcast and you'll get an idea of how powerful our network is.

We have specialized coaches for certain topics like guitar setup or acoustics who are among the best in the world in their fields.

We help a growing community of thousands through our podcast and blog articles.

We build a personal, unique roadmap just for you that includes all you need to reach your specific goals and completely eliminates confusion and overwhelm.

And we hold you accountable to make sure you actually finish your projects. 

Some of our studio stats from (April 2024):

Customers served! 10 Mixing Credits
Customers served! 10 Mastering Credits
Customers served! 10 Engineering Credits
Customers served! 10 Production Credits
Customers served! 10 Writing & Playing Credits
Customers served! 10 Consulting Credits

here’s what people are saying about WORKING WITH US:


The Enronns

“Just had a 1-1 session with Benedikt and I learned more in that one (and quite a bit) hour on creating a great sonic landscape in general and for a specific song than many hours trawling YouTube. I got answers to questions I didn’t even know I had. Well worth the fee for such excellent and personalised tuition. Thanks.”



"What I enjoyed the most is the passion which Benedikt shows for his craft, which motivates to get started and try out new things to create a unique sound.

On top of that you get bonus sessions with professionals, an online community to share thoughts with fellow musicians and really valuable Q&A sessions to support you during the recording process."


Love Forty Down

“I do DIY recordings for 20 + years. So I think I know a thing or two about recording. That´s why I had my doubts if this program could really tell me things I don´t know already. How could I´ve been more wrong?

The Self-Recording Band Academy turned out to be the best resource I ever chose to learn from! I literally learned more during this program than in the 20 years before!"

A few posts from inside our coaching community:

Records WE've worked on With Our clients and students have been released on labels like:

APPLY NOW AND Book your free CLARITY call:

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