230: 6-Figure Production Budget VS DIY Home Recording. Can You Get Even Close? With Blake Beckmann (Stepa)

229: Learning To Record And Mix Is Hard And Overwhelming? Listen To This. (I Sent This Message To A Struggling Artist)

My guest on this episode is the artist and producer Blake Beckmann. Blake is a self-recording musician from California and he's the lead vocalist in a Nu Metal band called Stepa. 


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You might have heard of Stepa, because in 2002 they've released a record that was pretty popular in the scene.

Blake joined our coaching program, The Self-Recording Syndicate in late 2023, with the goal of making a new Stepa record that is even better and more exciting than their major label debut from 20 years ago.

Quite the challenge! 

I think he and the band are definitely on track there and I'm beyond excited about the progress and the songs I've heard, so far. 

So it’s about time to introduce him to you and tell his story.

Here's Blake Beckmann for you. Enjoy!

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